Exercise 3: Hatch Strokes
Goal: Learn the stokes and the feel of our pastels
Hatching or side by side strokes:
Place vertical or oblique strokes of each of the 4 color pastel groupings
from the last exercise, on to ½ sheet of red/gray and sienna Canson paper.
Again, we will do four areas on each paper: warm colors, cool colors, earth
tones, and greens. Use color chart exercise as a guide.
Note; let some of the paper show through for sparkle
Try using edge of pastel not wide side
Try adding the green to the earth tones as this green is really a toned
green so blends well

detail of "Bush Park II"
Notice how some colors vibrate next to each other. There is no right or wrong
here. We are just having fun. If a pastel get other colors on it, wipe it with a
Kleenex. Fill in most of the page but leave at least ½ inch untouched paper
around the border. As dust builds up, tap your paper off into your paper bag.
Finally, blend several of the areas with your finger. See how this
softens the surface
Tip: Blending earth tones with other colors really "muddies" them.
Use these color spots carefully! Of course mixing black with a color will not be